Five TV Programs I Love

Saturday, 23 May 2015

1.My top favourite TV program has got to be The Walking Dead, I only started watching this about a couple of months ago and ever since I watched the first episode I was hooked. I honestly watched 4 and a half seasons (as there was 3 episodes left of season 5 that needed to be aired) in 2 and half weeks, I caught up very quick and I love it. If you haven’t seen it it’s basically a zombie apocalypse with some survivors, but it’s so freaking amazing, it’s not all blood and gore but it is very character heavy, the problem is you will end up falling in love with a character then a couple of seasons later they’ll end up dying which is torturous when they’re great characters.

2. My second favourite TV program has got to be Supernatural, if you have been on any aspect of Tumblr then you will have heard of it or at least have seen a gif, I got curious after constantly seeing these ‘Winchester Brothers’ and I thought okay let’s give this ago and I got hooked again pretty quickly there’s 10 seasons so it took ages to catch up, but it’s such a good program, it’s about two brothers that hunt supernatural creatures as part of their fathers family business and a lot happens, but it’s great it’s not all action there’s some humour in it and some episodes will literally make you question if it’s actually a genuine TV program or just some made up thing.

3. My third favourite is Pretty Little Liars, now where to start? It’s so mysterious; you will literally be on the edge of your seat the entire time, so basically about 4 best friends who’s 5th friend had gone missing also known as ‘Allison’ she is found dead and the 4 girls Aria, Hannah, Spencer and Emily they start getting messages from this anonymous ‘A’ things happen and the newest season 5 things get revealed and it’s just brilliant it’s honestly worth the watch if you love mystery and drama.

4. Fourth favourite is Modern Family I watch this all the time, it’s one of those programs I’ll turn on my tv and have on in the background and I’ve watched over and over again. I love it all the different characters it’s really good, very funny and it’s a great program. It’s about 3 different families who are family so there’s Jay and Gloria with their son Manny. Claire and phil with their three kids Haley,Alex and Luke. The final family is Mitchell and Cam with their adopted daughter Lilly. Jay is Clair and Mitchell’s father and of course this connects the family and it just follows their life’s as a sitcom and it’s hilarious.

5. And my final favourite is another sitcom and of course it’s got to be Friends. I feel like I don’t need to describe it everyone has heard of it and it’s just so funny I’ve been watching friends for as long as I remember it’s been one of those programs I’ve grew up with and I just don’t get sick of it, I love all the characters, it’s all great humour and it’s just a fun feel good TV program.

So these are 5 TV programs that I love, what are some of your favourite TV programs to watch?


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